Alive, but not well … yet


Oh, life has thrown me for a loop! This semester has been extremely busy as I chose to take on a big project. While the lion’s share of that project is completed (sort of), just after the pressure from that was lessened I came down with the flu. I had the flu one other time in my life (18 years ago while pregnant). I have had a lot of colds, a lot of sinus infections, tonsillitis, and, of course, continue to deal with the ongoing challenges of Chronic Lyme disease, but this flu is kicking my butt.

Within 24 hours of the first symptoms, I was in bed. One thing I learned from dealing with Lyme disease, is to not go to bed. Day after day of inactivity destroys the body. This doesn’t work for the flu. After emailing, texting, and communicating with everyone (including my professor) that I was out of commission, I slept all day long. Ah, that should do it, right? Nope.

Eight days after that climactic day characterized by high fever, coughing, restless sleep, and attempts at decent self care, I am still coughing, dizzy, weak, and struggling. This is normal for me when I catch anything post-Lyme disease. Lyme disease inhibits the immune reaction in order to maintain its hold on its victim. This can be seen in this flu episode.

So, I am not gone, just fighting to get back to my normal, post-Lyme disease health level where I can at least work for brief sessions in my garden, on a writing project (outside of school), and even wash dishes and do laundry. I miss photography and getting out of the house to go exploring.

I’ll be back, just not sure when.

2 responses »

  1. Sorry your not feeling well. Rest as much as your able…move around as much as your able. Geeze like a pushmepullyou huh? Will probably check on you for a minute sunday…if your able you call me so as I dont disturb you. Or you just drop me an email. Love ya hon and I hope you feel better fast. Kat xoxox


    • Thanks, Kathy. I am doing much better this week. Still coughing occasionally (usually about an hour in the mornings), but functioning again on a higher level than catatonic.


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